- 01:44 RT @crescentwench: We got invited to participate in the BAAC winter art sale! - bit.ly/5DPSU #
- 01:45 RT @a2ndtime: Did you know A Second Time has a fan page on Facebook? bit.ly/12m2eb #
- 01:47 RT @TotusMel: 8 more hearts until 5000 in my @Etsy store (totusmel.etsy.com) & 5 more fans to 100 on Facebook (bit.ly/1zlJQS). #
- 01:48 RT @SteampunkRings: CatherinetteRings featured in Autumn Wonderland @Etsy treasury : Click + comment here: bit.ly/4Eprf1 #
- 14:02 RT @downanddirty: Just found out I won an award in a photo competition. See the photo here: bit.ly/3I6Drn #art #photography #